Quids in! has updated and reprinted one of its most popular products, the Quids in! guide, Budget Planner.
Needed more than ever during the current cost-of-living crisis, this leaflet aims to help readers to prepare a simple budget and work out whether they need to find extra support to cope with their current financial situation.
The Budget Planner leaflet opens up into a wallchart, and is accessible and engaging, making the chore of sorting out finances as easy and straightforward as possible. The leaflet can be used as a stand-alone product, or in conjunction with an adviser. Amounts can be written in, to ensure that there is more coming in than going out (and once completed, it can be put on the wall so that spending and progress can be regularly checked).
Outgoings are prioritised into four categories, highlighting costs that can’t be ignored such as rent, council tax and utility bills, and showing clearly what expenditure can be controlled and how.
Packed with interesting facts and statistics designed to encourage good budgeting, the leaflet aims to inform as well as encourage, alongside signposting for additional support. Our goal is to help every Quids in! reader to take control of their own finances.
To request further information, or to order a sample, email [email protected] or call 07548 627303.
Alternatively, fill out the form below.