The scourge of Payday Loans has been all over the media but still they prey on vulnerable people struggling to make ends meet. While campaigns lobby Government and the community leaders call for alternatives to compete responsibly with high interest lenders, Quids in! is sticking to what it does best – helping low income households to help themselves.
Over 70,000 copies of the Say No to Payday Loans leaflet are already in circulation but it remains available to landlords, authorities and agencies that want to help people on low incomes to protect themselves against these legal loan sharks.
Using accessible language and compelling design, the leaflets make readers aware of why payday (and other high interest) loans are generally a bad idea.
The leaflets are A4, roll-folded to DL size. They are printed on high-quality, FSC-certified, 150gsm gloss paper and weigh 9 grams each. The information is presented in a clear and lively way, as part of the Quids in! Pro’s commitment to producing jargon-free, accessible resources for people living on low incomes.
If you’d like to see a sample or order the leaflets, please use the form below, email [email protected] you can also call ​07548 627303.