Quids in! magazine is our flagship publication, empowering people on low incomes to manage their money and take control of their own financial future. With practical advice on benefits, budgeting, debt, employment and going digital, it’s a unique voice offering a non-judgmental take on the money issues no one tells us about.
We believe everyone can improve their financial situation and we want to help our readers find the best way to make their own lives easier, sharing the voices of people with inspiring stories of money success.
Financial writing can be heavy, but not Quids in! We make talking about money fun and engaging, and the magazine is lightweight in form (just eight easy-to-read pages). Most importantly, we’re independent and we tell it like it is.
Readers have told us recently: “The magazines are so helpful, with so much information” and “I was really happy to get the Quids in! magazine in the post. It’s brilliant!”
Quids in! works. After reading the magazine, 28 per cent say it makes them think more carefully about their finances. Eighteen per cent say they would think twice about taking a high-interest loan. Nearly all readers (91 per cent) say they find Quids in! useful ‘all the time’, ‘often’ or ‘sometimes’. This is an approval rating we’re proud of.*
Quids in! is bought by landlords, authorities and support agencies and provided free to tenants, residents and service users. It reaches 175,000 low-income households a year between its different editions and publications. We also have six special edition guides covering Universal Credit, Food, New Tenants, Heat, Light and Power and Budget Planning.
*Figures taken from our 2022 Quids in! Reader Survey
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