Quids in! Readers Club

Quids in! Readers Club - Financial Wellbeing Email Service

Putting Struggling Communities in Control

Times are tough. Almost 1,100 social tenants responded to Quids In! magazine’s latest Cost of Living Survey and told us that 41 per cent felt frightened, anxious or depressed on account of money worries. (This rocketed to 61 per cent of working age people who are not currently able to work.)

Many of those facing financial hardship feel left behind and desperately need accessible, practical guidance to navigate their financial responsibilities effectively. The Quids in! Readers Club offers a tailored digital solution dedicated to supporting benefit claimants, social tenants, and low-income earners across the UK.

What is the Quids in! Readers Club?

The Quids in! Readers Club is a digital initiative that delivers regular, engaging emails filled with articles, resources, and actionable advice. Unlike other financial newsletters that advertise products like 0% interest credit cards or ISAs, our content addresses the unique challenges faced by those on limited incomes. Topics include navigating Universal Credit, utilising benefit checkers, finding work, and managing day-to-day expenses.

No other information service is on hand to provide a targeted response to new challenges from welfare reform or changes to eligibility for Winter Fuel Payments, for example. Vulnerable people, for example, will need additional, easy-read information to guide them through forthcoming changes to Personal Independence Payments and the new expectations of Universal Credit.

Why Partner with Us?

By licensing the Quids in! Readers Club emails, your organisation can provide invaluable support to individuals in financial hardship, empowering them to:

  • Manage Financial Responsibilities: Gain practical skills and knowledge to handle finances, bills and rent payments more effectively
  • Improve Health and Wellbeing: Alleviate the stress associated with financial uncertainty, contributing to better overall health
  • Achieve Their Potential: Build financial resilience that opens doors to new opportunities and personal growth

A number of housing providers, for example, licence our Readers Club emails. Each month, we share our guidance and unique links to targeted, socially useful content, which they share with their tenants. Collectively, we already reach over 30,000 lower-income households. We work together to collect anonymous analytics information, which enables us to report on engagement and impact.

Ensuring Compliance and Trust

Data protection is paramount and no personal data changes hands. A Legitimate Interest Assessment ensures content reflects our partners’ core business and recipients’ needs to ensure GDPR compliance. Licences are 100 per cent for community benefit with the purpose of enhancing financial wellbeing.

Our commitment to promoting financial inclusion and digital skills was recognised in 2018 when the Quids in! Readers Club won the Mayor of London’s Civic Innovation Challenge. In our latest research, 53 per cent of recipients told us they found our personal finance advice useful ‘often’ (33%) or ‘all the time’ (20%).

Digital Comms for Social Purpose

Quids in! leads the field in digital communications with social purpose. (Watch our recent webinar on this here.) Together we can invest in new facilities to increase accessibility and automation, to increase engagement and capacity to support communities’ financial wellbeing. Partnering with the Quids in! Readers Club is a proactive step towards supporting your community’s financial wellbeing.

For more information, or to book a demo, please email Lisa Woodman or call 07548 627303.