Quids in! Money Guidance has one goal: To build financial resilience within our communities. While we provide support and information to people in hardship, we cannot reach the millions who are struggling across the UK alone.
We work in partnership with local authorities, health commissioners, housing providers and support agencies, for example, to provide training to people affected by the cost of living and to the professionals working with them. Just as we publish accessible, easy-read guides, magazines, web content and an email service, we help people who feel less confident talking money with the foundations of good money management, even on a limited budget.
Our training is available to buy in, commission or license for residents or service users, or for your organisation or team members. Broadly, our training offer includes:
- Community-based engagement events (more here):
- Quids in! ‘3Bs’ Money Skills
- Quids in! Confidence-Building (a ‘7 Signs’ day session for unemployed people)
- Quids in! Thinking About Work (a ‘7 Signs’ day session for unemployed people)
- Advisor training for non-financial advisors in health, housing, employment (more here):
- Developing the Confidence to Talk Money
- An Introduction to Universal Credit
- Helping Claimants Navigate Universal Credit
- Supporting Clients with Budgeting
FFI: Contact enquiries@cleanslateltd.co.uk or call 07548 627303.