Something is missing between the day-to-day fear experienced by people in hardship of not being able to keep food on the table and the range of mainstream help often available. The same is true for unemployed people a long way off ready to engage with ‘careers and skills’ initiatives, CV-writing workshops and interview practice.
Many people are too overwhelmed and frozen with fear to access all but the most immediate support like foodbanks and easy-access loans.
Quids in! engagement events for people from communities facing financial hardship and unsure where to go next. Free refreshments and lunch, and access to other incentives, welcome people in to talk together about their financial hopes and fears, the challenges and solutions, and the ways to build their confidence to take control.

Professional facilitators guide participants through conversations about ways to take control of their finances and their employment options. There is no teaching but lots of learning. Attendees share their thoughts and ideas, and challenge each other, on what it takes to maximise their incomes, reduce their spending, boost their savings and overcome debt.
Activities are fun and enlightening. Householders caught in the poverty trap learn to be active consumers who understand ‘if we haven’t got our hands on our wallet, someone else has got their fingers in it’. Unemployed benefit claimants become active jobseekers with clear ideas about their job goals and how to achieve them.
The power of peer learning is unleashed. New norms and new attitudes are established. Goals are set, plans are made, and people leave motivated to get on.
Details of forthcoming sessions can be found here, and include:
- Quids in! ‘3Bs’ Money Skills more here
- Quids in! Confidence-Building (a ‘7 Signs’ day session for unemployed people) more here
- Quids in! Thinking About Work (a ‘7 Signs’ day session for unemployed people) more here
- [The two 7 Signs sessions can be delivered as one two-part programme]
Locally-delivered and customised programmes are also available to organisations.
FFI: Contact [email protected] or call 07548 627303.